Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Christmas Day Swim

Come on, Grandpa! It's not THAT COLD!!!

Nope, you can't make me go in there!

Really? It's freezing cold water!

This is more my speed (hot tub!)

Fearless Alivia!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! My family got snowed in for another day down here. So, instead of keeping the kids couped up inside (not recommended), we took the kids swimming at the hotel pool. Unfortunately for Jackson, the water in the pool wasn't much warmer than the wind outside. Jackson is not a big fan of cold swimming pools - Mom's not either! Alivia and Shay were fearless, however. They didn't mind the chilly waters! Poor Grandpa and I had to get in the pool to help them. Brrrrr! I'm still thawing out!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

A new tool box like Handy Manny's

Iron Man from Uncle Bill

Shay with her new Cabbage Patch Baby (circa 1980?)

Barbie were a big hit this year with Alivia

Auntie Whit getting excited about her new pots and pans

Taking a little time to read Frosty the Snowman

A new "Big Wheels" - YEAH!!!

Iron Man - AKA - Shay Shay

Another Iron Man - AKA - Jackson

Camera Wars

Shay Shay is all Christmas-ed out! : )

Snowed in and full of energy! I would say that is the theme to our Christmas this year. My family came down to our house this year because I am on "travel restrictions" from my doctor. For those of you who have been to our house, you know, it's not a BIG house. So... with three little kids under three, two dogs and eight adults inside we were FULL! But despite the "closeness", it was fun to watch the kids open their presents and enjoy every minute of Christmas. Merry Christmas from our family to your's!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Daycare Christmas Party

Bubba and Jackson

Honey and Jackson

Daycare friends

Golfing Santa

Santa at the Train Station (Jackson's favorite!)

We have the best daycare provider in the world! Her name is Lois, but as many of you know, the kids (including Jackson) call her Honey. Her husband's name is Greg, but is lovingly referred to by the kiddos as Bubba. Honey and Bubba are two of Jackson's favorite people. He loves going to their house everyday! A priceless peace of mind for a first time Momma, too! Yesterday (Saturday), Honey and Bubba had their Christmas party for the daycare kids and their families. We had a pizza party at Davanni's and then went to a Christmas Lights display at Phalen Park in St. Paul. It was an amazing display! I would highly recommend it! Afterwards, Honey had invited the kids to have a sleepover at their house -- can you believe it! She is a better person than I am, you couldn't pay me enough to have my kids come over (on my day off) for a sleepover. I need a mental health break! : ) Jackson didn't do the sleepover this year, but I'm sure he will in the future. Thanks for everything, Honey and Bubba!

Decorating the Christmas Tree with Grandma Agee

We went to Grandma Agee's house earlier this month to help her decorate her Christmas tree. It was a lot of fun (for about 5 minutes!) Jackson got tired of decorating the tree quickly and moved on to "bigger and better things." Oh well, what can you expect from a two year old with a limited attention span! Grandma Agee enjoyed it and we hope to add a few more minutes to this tradition next year.

November and December Catch-up

Tis the season to be jolly... and busy! I'm happy to be back online and posting again. The past few months have be incredibly crazy! This year, I have a student in my class who puts me to the test EVERYDAY! He is extremely challenging and not sympathetic to my "delicate" state at all. I come home every night and just crash. It's really sad when I look at my maternity leave as a VACATION! : ) Today, I am 36 weeks pregnant - a mile stone! I'm now considered full-term, so this baby could come anyday now. I'm ready! However, if she follows in her big brother's footsteps, we won't see her for a while. Jackson was 11 days overdue. Ugh!

The past few months, we have had some fun celebrating the holidays with family and friends. My family came down here for Thanksgiving. We all got together with my Mom's sister, Marilyn, and her family. It was a lot of fun! However, I didn't get too many pictures of the gathering -- too busy chatting! I did get a few shots of Jackson and Alivia (my niece) snuggling up on the couch watching a movie and eating snacks. Too cute! They are 9 months apart in age and can be best of friends (most of the time.)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Here's some more candy!

Baby Agee as the Little Pumpkin

Watching for more Trick-or-Treaters

Daddy dressed up as Deion Sanders???

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! We had a pretty mellow Halloween this year. Jackson has been sick this past week, so we didn't take him out trick-or-treating. Poor buddy just can't seem to shake the high fever and body aches. We did dress him up in his costume and he passed out candy to the kiddos that stopped by our house. I actually think he liked that better than actually trick-or-treating. He doesn't like candy (I know it's strange), so he didn't feel shorted in anyway. This morning, he woke up and wanted to put his costume back on! I guess he really likes being a train engineer! : )

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Jackson has a tough time saying "pumpkins", it comes out more like "pun-kins". Too cute! He's been waiting to go the "Pun-kin Patch" for weeks now. We drive by it almost everyday on the way to school and he always yells, "Mommy stop! Pun-kins!" So, today we finally got to go play among the pumpkins. Jackson loved roaming around the pumpkins and posing for pictures (a first!) However, when we got home and started to carve our pumpkin... he was less excited! At first, he jumped right in and seemed ready to dig out the pumpkin guts, but after one touch all we heard was "Yucky!" "I don't like it!" : ) Oh well, it was still fun creating our jack-o-lantern and baking our pumpkin seeds. Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Circus Time

Getting ready for the Big Show

The amazing sheepdogs - an Agee family favorite

Jackson's second favorite thing about the circus -- the food!

Enormous elephants

This past week was MEA, so Jackson and I had Thursday and Friday off. Paul took Friday off, so we went to the Circus This was Jackson's first big event at the Target Center. He was in awe of everything, especially all of the flashing lights and loud people (kids!) I think Jackson's favorite act was the high wire motorcycles. They drove their motorcycles right above our heads. It was a little more than Mom could watch -- yikes! But not Jackson, he cheered and clapped the whole time. Unfortunately, we couldn't get a picture of them, they were moving too fast and it was too dark in there. Oh well, use your imagination! : )