Friday, August 28, 2009

Our trip to Minnehaha Falls

My first trip on the Light Rail

President Johnson's footprints

My first look at the Falls

A little friend joined us on our walk : (

A metal slide. What???

Close up view

On top of Minnehaha Falls

Playing around at the Train Station

Jackson and I took a trip to Minnehaha Falls this morning. I thought Jackson might like to take the Light Rail down there -- I was right! He was so excited to get on the train, look at the scenery flying by, and of course, shouting "Choo-choo!" I'm not sure if the people around us enjoyed it as much as we did, but it was great! Once we got down to the actual falls, Jackson was just in awe. We spend lots of time walking around the park and playing on the "old school" playground. I doubt Jackson had ever seen a metal slide or jungle gym. It was a fun way to end our summer together. I go back to work on Monday and Jackson starts back to "Honey's" (daycare.)

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