Thursday, February 25, 2010

Laughter and tears

This week, I've experienced a full range of "Mommy emotions!" Jackson decided a couple of weeks ago that he was ready to be potty trained. I, on the other hand, was a little reluctant. Potty training and breast feeding, how much do I really want to take on!?! But, I decided to stop whining and go forward with the potty training. To my AMAZEMENT, Jackson is doing very well. The first day was a little trying of my patience. We must have made 20 trips to the bathroom by 9:00 am. I was so frustrated, but we kept trying. Today, he's only had one accident! I feel like that is a big success! It's also really fun to see him get so excited about his "big boy underwear" and being able to do the "potty dance" after he goes to the bathroom (in the potty, of course!)

Also this week, Jayda decided to flash us her first few smiles! Yeah!!! She's got a beautiful little smile! But she is a little more stingy with her smiles than her big brother was. Jayda makes you work for a smile! I tried to get a picture of her smiling, but I didn't have much luck! She's quick! It looks more like she's winking at the camera. : )

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cabin Fever

Riding the rides at the Mall of America

Jayda was not impressed with MOA - slept the whole time

Peanut butter play-dough

PB play-dough basketball?

Learning our letters -- isn't it GREAT having a mother who's a teacher!?!

More Curious George, Jayda!

Ugh!! Cabin Fever has hit the Agee household! Here's a few ways we were trying to keep busy (and somewhat sane) over the long Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend:

** Riding the rides at the Mall of America
** Peanut butter play-dough
** Reading books to Jayda

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Jackson and Jayda got an early Valentine's Day surprise in the mail yesterday from Grandpa Schill -- balloons and teddy bears! Jackson had so much fun opening the box and watching the balloons pop out! : ) Today, Jackson had his Valentine's Day party at Honey's (daycare.) He's not into the candy, but LOVED the helium balloon that he got! Jayda and I spent the afternoon at school for my classroom's holiday party. It was fun to share her with my students and friends at Washburn.

Hugs and kisses from the Agee's!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jackson's book club

I love my son, but, boy is he busy! This morning, I was enjoying my breakfast and reading the newspaper when I realized...IT'S TOO QUIET! It's never a good thing when Jackson is quiet (unless he's sleeping!) So, I went to look for Jackson and this is what I found...
As a teacher, I'm excited to see that he loves books, but let's try reading the books ONE at a time! : )

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reading to Jayda

Are you curious, Jayda?

Look at the pictures, Jayda!

Jackson with his new "backpack" (sleeping bag inside!)

I caught Jackson reading "Are You Curious?" by Curious George, this morning to Jayda. It was so sweet! He was making the story up as he went, but Jayda didn't care. She could not take her eyes off of him. Sibling bonding at it's best! Enjoy!