Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cabin Fever

Riding the rides at the Mall of America

Jayda was not impressed with MOA - slept the whole time

Peanut butter play-dough

PB play-dough basketball?

Learning our letters -- isn't it GREAT having a mother who's a teacher!?!

More Curious George, Jayda!

Ugh!! Cabin Fever has hit the Agee household! Here's a few ways we were trying to keep busy (and somewhat sane) over the long Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend:

** Riding the rides at the Mall of America
** Peanut butter play-dough
** Reading books to Jayda

1 comment:

  1. Heidi:
    Jackson is so cute I can't stand it. The reading thing is adorable. What a great big brother!
    Miss you, Abegail talked to Ellen on skype last night and they talked about you and your baby!
    You'll always be important.
