Thursday, February 25, 2010

Laughter and tears

This week, I've experienced a full range of "Mommy emotions!" Jackson decided a couple of weeks ago that he was ready to be potty trained. I, on the other hand, was a little reluctant. Potty training and breast feeding, how much do I really want to take on!?! But, I decided to stop whining and go forward with the potty training. To my AMAZEMENT, Jackson is doing very well. The first day was a little trying of my patience. We must have made 20 trips to the bathroom by 9:00 am. I was so frustrated, but we kept trying. Today, he's only had one accident! I feel like that is a big success! It's also really fun to see him get so excited about his "big boy underwear" and being able to do the "potty dance" after he goes to the bathroom (in the potty, of course!)

Also this week, Jayda decided to flash us her first few smiles! Yeah!!! She's got a beautiful little smile! But she is a little more stingy with her smiles than her big brother was. Jayda makes you work for a smile! I tried to get a picture of her smiling, but I didn't have much luck! She's quick! It looks more like she's winking at the camera. : )

1 comment:

  1. When Abegail first came home from Liberia, Annie decided to potty train. Abegail would sing her this song in her thick Liberian accent..
    "What you gonna do when your sittin on the potty, sittin on the potty for a while? There are lots of things to do that will make you happy too, sittin on the potty."
    Love Jayda's smile!
